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Mixpanel Integration

Mixpanel is a product analytics tool that enables you to capture data on how users interact with your digital product.

Updated over 2 years ago

MixPanel offers powerful, self-serve product analytics to help you convert, engage, and retain more users.

How to set up

Adding your Mixpanel Token to Shogun

Before making use of the built-in integration with MixPanel, it's important to ensure that your token is placed inside of your Shogun settings. To do this, you must first grab your Token from your MixPanel Project Settings. In the top right corner of MixPanel, select the settings icon, then under “Project Settings” select your project:

On this page, under “Access Keys”, grab the “Project Token”

Once you have that token, navigate to your Shogun dashboard, into Settings, and scroll down to the Integrations section. Click “Enable” on the MixPanel Integration, insert your token, and then click Save.

It’s important to note that you’ll have to republish any page that you want MixPanel to work on, now that you’ve added the token.

How it integrates with the page

Once the Token is added to your settings and the Shogun page is republished, the MixPanel script will automatically be added to the live page. Now to set up your event tracking to tie into MixPanel you’ll need to use either the HTML element or a Custom Element to insert custom code into your Shogun pages. We recommend starting out by reading through the MixPanel Full API Documentation to see all the events that can be triggered and set up.

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