How to Write a More Compelling About Us Page For Earning Trust Online

May 23, 2023

How to Write a More Compelling About Us Page For Earning Trust Online about us page

Crafting a compelling About Us page can be a daunting task.

It requires not only the right balance of art and science but also an understanding of your customer’s needs and wants.

At its core, an About Us page should be a clear and concise reflection of your business. It should evoke excitement, draw in visitors, and ultimately compel them to engage with your business.

To help you make this happen, we’ve put together some valuable tips and a template to get you started.

With the right approach, you can create an About Us page that truly reflects your brand and resonates with your existing and potential customers.

#cta-visual-pb#<cta-title>Create an About Us page that dazzles<cta-title>Make your business stand out from the competition with an About Us page that tells your story.Start creating for free

8 tips for writing a powerful About Us page

Once you get started writing your brand’s About Us page with a template, keep these data-backed tips in mind for finalizing the remaining elements you choose for the page.

1. Voice your positioning and mission statements

According to a study run by Zeno, consumers are more likely to champion a brand when it has a strong and clear purpose-driven mission. They are:

  • 4 times more likely to buy from that brand
  • 6 times more likely to “protect” that brand in a challenging moment
  • 4.1 times more likely to trust that brand
  • 4.5 times more likely to recommend that brand to friends and family

Great About Us pages prioritize voicing their mission—regardless of the size of your niche market.

Nuun does a great job of this by not only telling but showing what their mission is all about:

“Nuun is a company dedicated to keeping you as hydrated as humanly possible. Our drink tablets are fizzy, tasty, and loaded with electrolytes that keep you healthy and hydrated!”

It’s clear, concise, and to the point.

nuun about us about us page
Image: Nuun

2. Share your authentic brand story

When you’re crafting your About Us page, you can never go wrong with authentic storytelling.

No matter what your store sells, every company has a story worth telling that can elicit emotions from its readers.

And if you want to make your brand as memorable as possible—lead with a story on your About Us page—as people remember stories over facts up to 22 times more.

Goose & Gander does this by not only telling their story by starting with “The Little Shop,” but they’ve also added branded illustrations.

In a sea of ecommerce stores that are selling similar items, your story will only stand out that much more.

goose gander about us page
Image: The Goose and Gander

3. Show the real people behind your products

It‘s no surprise that some of the best About Us pages display images of their team members, as according to research, seeing faces in brand visuals increases feelings of trust.

This works because people want to relate to people and make social connections.

Now, this is different from learning how to write an About Me page. Since your brand is likely a group effort—writing about your team will require interviewing them and asking their input on what they would like to be included about them.

This Meet Our Team page from The NxtSTOP is an excellent example of a small business that introduces the people behind their company.

They don’t hold back from showing off each team member along with their names and titles.

nxtstop about us page
Image: The NxtSTOP

4. Include your contact information and location

According to a poll by Hubspot, 62% of participants felt that including contact information was a critical part of a website and 51% of consumers trust companies that make it easy for visitors to contact the people behind the company.

In other words, contact information is a critical part of your About page, since this is where users often look for this information.

Pau Hana, a surf supply company, makes sure you know exactly where they’re located by incorporating a Google map to their page.

pau hana about us page
Image: Pau Hana

5. Increase credibility and trust with compelling social proof

Show your customers that you have fans by featuring testimonials, awards, and certificates that you’ve acquired over time on your About Us page.

Publishing customer reviews can also generate income, with BazaarVoice finding that on-page customer reviews lead to 3.5 times more sales, with 9 out of 10 customers making an effort to read reviews before purchasing a product.

La Tierra Sagrada Hair does this by featuring a strongly positive testimonial at the bottom of their page.

la tierra about us page
Image: La Tierra Sagrada

6. Wow shoppers with exciting images & videos

The saying “an image is worth more than a thousand words” applies to good About Us pages, since visual content drives engagement and has a clickthrough rate of 47% or more.

In fact, 27% of people polled said original videos and images were an important part of any website.

This means you should include different media where appropriate on your About Us page.

For example, if you’re including a “behind the scenes” look into your brand, include images of your employees at work or a video of your founder introducing the company.

That’s why ActiveDoodie® Dad Gear decided to create an About Us page with a video as well as a clear mission statement at the top.

active doodie about us page
Image: ActiveDoodie® Dad Gear

7. Invite your visitors to act with a CTA

CTAs (calls to action) are a crucial component of an About Us page so that they serve your different goals.

They can also be an invaluable tool for capturing consumer information and staying connected.

This Our Story page from Alchemy Fine Home does it perfectly. Once you get to read about their story (and put a face with a name), you’re told to ask questions so you can “Get Started!” along with an easily accessible way to get in contact.

alchemy about us page
Image: Alchemy Fine Home

8. Revise and update regularly so it stays in sync with your business

Your brand is going to evolve—the About Us page you created five years ago isn’t going to be relevant to what’s happening with your ecommerce store now.

As you create your About Us page, take the time to update it at least once or twice a year.

You might find that you need a more professional About Us page template to refresh your brand look or that some information is no longer accurate.

#cta-paragraph-pb#Here are some additional About Us page examples to use for inspiration. And, learn how to add your About Us page to your Shopify store.

What not to do on an About Us page

There are a few things you want to avoid when writing About Us pages.

Then, you’ll be well on your way to building the best About Us page that puts your store ahead of its competitors.

Don’t lean on brand-centered copy

Today, consumers care about more than the basics, with 79% only buying from brands that prove it’s important to them that they earn their customer’s business.

Make sure you weave this information into your brand’s About page by talking about what you can offer them and why you care.

Don’t leave out the CTA

It’s all too often that ecommerce brands fail to include a strong CTA in their About Us page. Your About Us page should never be a dead-end destination.

In other words, what can you do to help the customer along the buyer’s journey once they’ve landed on your About page?

Can you encourage them to follow you on social media? Can you include a newsletter form so you can keep in touch with them?

Don’t write walls of text

Finally, don’t make your About Us page a rock-solid wall of text. Keep your paragraphs short, about 3-4 sentences max.

Statista found that 6 out of 10 shoppers care about website usability when shopping online. A crowded page design turns your customers away.

#cta-visual-pb#<cta-title>Want to build a stunning About Us page without code?<cta-title>Try Shogun for free to see what elements you can use for your stunning Shopify store.Start building now

An About Us page template to get your story started

When you’re writing an About Us page, it always helps to have a reference point to start from.

Make sure to tweak and refine it until it sounds unique to your brand and speaks to your ideal customer.

(Founder’s name) started (Company name) after (Describe the “problem” event that led to the creation of the company in a few sentences).
Today, we (Describe recent company accomplishments, certifications). Our mission is to (Describe your mission statement, brand goals, values).
(Include clear CTA to close e.g. “follow us on Twitter”, “sign up for our newsletter”, “learn more here” etc.)

There are About Us page generators available for you to choose from if you’re struggling to write the content yourself.

You can even use Shogun Page Builder’s AI Text to spin up a quick V1 from which you can build in your own brand’s personality.

We do recommend hiring a professional copywriter to help you craft the copy—ensuring the final product is written in a way that’s both compelling and resonates with your visitors.

About Us page FAQs

We’ve gone through a lot in this post, but for anything that didn’t quite fit, here are some FAQs to answer anything else.

Do I need an About Us page?

Having an About Us page is highly recommended for any ecommerce business.

It allows you to connect with your audience, establish trust, and differentiate your brand from competitors.

An About Us page provides valuable information about your brand’s background, mission, and values, which can resonate with potential customers and influence their purchasing decisions.

Do I need an About Us page for SEO?

While an About Us page doesn’t directly impact search engine optimization (SEO) rankings, it can indirectly contribute to your SEO efforts.

A well-optimized About Us page with relevant keywords and informative content can attract organic traffic from search engines.

Additionally, having an About Us page can enhance the overall user experience and engagement on your website, which can indirectly benefit your SEO efforts.

Remember to focus on creating high-quality content that’s valuable to your audience while keeping SEO best practices in mind.

Are there any best practices for designing an About Us page?

When designing an About Us page, consider the following best practices:

1. Keep it concise. Present information in a clear and concise manner to maintain the visitor’s interest.
2. Use engaging visuals. Incorporate relevant images, videos, or infographics to make the page eye-catching and visually appealing.
3. Tell a compelling story. Use storytelling techniques to engage the target audience and make a lasting impression.
4. Show brand personality. Infuse the page with the brand’s personality and tone to create a memorable experience.
5. Make it easy to find. Make sure your About Us page is easily accessible from the main navigation menu and footer nav. Within the page, include links to other relevant pages or sections of the website.

How can an About Us page contribute to the overall success of a website?

An About Us page can contribute to the overall success of a website in several ways.

It helps establish a strong brand identity, differentiate the company from competitors, and build trust with visitors. A well-crafted About Us page can increase customer loyalty and engagement by allowing visitors to connect on a deeper level with the brand.

It can also influence purchasing decisions as it provides insight into the company’s values, expertise, and commitment to customer satisfaction.

Ultimately, an effective About Us page can positively impact conversions, brand perception, and overall website performance.

Start building trust by showing customers who you are

Clearly, it’s important to create an About Us page. But, not just any About Us page—it needs to be emotionally engaging, compellingly informative, and drive at the heart of your brand’s mission.

Whether you take this on yourself, get some help from an AI tool, or get the help of an experienced copywriter, your About Us page needs to reflect your brand to inspire your customers to build a relationship with you and learn more.

After all, it’s an extension of your brand.

By building a compelling story, you can better connect with your ideal customers and grow the reach of your brand. Do it well, and you’ll be rewarded.

#cta-visual-pb#<cta-title>Design beautiful pages for your store<cta-title>Easily create product pages, collection pages, and more with Shogun Page Builder.Start designing for free

Michelle Deery

Michelle Deery is a writer and strategist for B2B SaaS companies. She writes content that helps brands convert visitors into paying customers.

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