over 2,700 5-star reviews

Try our Shopify theme editor for free

Control every aspect of your Shopify ecommerce theme with our easy-to-use app.


Leesa Logo
Rumpl Logo
K-Swiss Logo
The Ridge logo
Nuface Logo

Works on most themes

The Shogun app works on the most popular Shopify themes like Dawn, Turbo, Brooklyn, Debut, Prestige & more.

Streamline with reusable custom components

Shogun custom elements allow you to add custom-coded components to your theme that become reusable for the rest of your team.

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Push updates to multiple sites at once

Shogun gives you the control to push global content updates across multiple sites–making multi-site management a breeze.

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Start with our zero-risk free plan

Just getting started with your online store?  No problem. Try Shogun on our free plan to get started creating pages in a stress-free, no pressure environment. There’s no risk to get started.

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Backed by world-class support

Our support team is here to help you with global coverage for the Shogun app seven days a week. Need help with on-page creation? We’ve got your back.

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Join a community of ecommerce leaders

Be among leading brands like MVMT, Chubbies, Leesa, BeardBrand, and K-Swiss that use Shogun’s tools daily.

Manage your ecommerce theme with Shogun

70+ page templates

Choose from a library of pre-built page templates designed for conversions, then simply customize them to your liking.

Design by screen size

Create fluid customer experiences for widescreen, laptop, tablet, and mobile screen sizes.

Optimize for SEO

Easily optimize page titles, meta descriptions, open graph meta tags, and image alternate text on every page.

Extendable + dev friendly

Technical team members can code custom reusable page elements for the rest of the ecommerce team to use.

Adjust user permissions

Control which team members can make page edits and perform A/B tests with easy-to-use permissions controls.

Start building your store with Shogun

Try Shogun for free, and explore the tools designed to help you build a powerful, optimized online store for your customers.

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