Unlock Growth with Performance Insights

Discover optimization and growth opportunities in real-time to increase your store's performance, SEO and accessibility.
Shogun Insights Shogun Insights


Mock ecommerce website with a graph showcasing the page's load time of 0.7 seconds

Maximize page performance

  • Reduce load times

    Get alerted when image formats and sizes could be improved for increased page performance.

  • Deliver optimal images

    Receive notifications when images are non-responsive or are being served in a less than ideal resolution.

Example of Shogun Insights providing recommendations to improve accessibility

Improve accessibility

  • Make sure fonts and colors work well together

    Ensure readable font sizes and proper color contrasts are being used on your pages for increased accessibility.

  • Monitor customer interactions

    Get alerts when customer interactions with buttons and links are suboptimal on your page.

  • Never miss an empty alt attribute again

    Track image alt attributes and get alerts when images on your page are missing them.

Example of Shogun Insights providing recommendations to improve SEO

Audit your SEO

  • Check meta data

    Make sure your pages have meta titles and descriptions in place for improved rankings and crawlability for search engines.

  • Review internal links

    Uncover broken internal links or links pointing to non-crawlable destination pages and fix them to improve overall SEO performance.

  • Use the right anchor text

    Ensure your links are optimized with descriptive anchor text to help you increase rankings for important keywords.

Insights to keep your storefront optimized


Run audits

Real-time alerts run in the background as you create your pages. More complex audits can be triggered manually and refreshed during the page creation process.


Interpret results

Get scores from 100 (perfect) and below to know where you stand with each category. Each score comes with detailed findings along with a call to action to resolve the issues right away.


Analyze changes

Reports can be run again after changes are made to see the impact on scores. Continue to make edits and run audits to uncover ongoing improvement opportunities.

Get the Insights you need today

Unlock Insights with a risk-free 10-day trial.

Advanced Multi-store Discounts

[go_pricing id="pba-discounts"]

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