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Display products based on social media ad clicks


Display the exact same product that customers saw on social media before clicking through your ads to create a more cohesive and seamless customer journey.


Displaying the exact same product that customers saw on social media before clicking through your ads will create a cohesive customer journey, leading to higher engagement and increased conversion rates by meeting customer expectations and reducing friction in their shopping experience.


Customer Journey

page type(s)


segment type

Referral Source

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Display products based on social media ad clicks


Display the exact same product that customers saw on social media before clicking through your ads to create a more cohesive and seamless customer journey.


Displaying the exact same product that customers saw on social media before clicking through your ads will create a cohesive customer journey, leading to higher engagement and increased conversion rates by meeting customer expectations and reducing friction in their shopping experience.


Customer Journey

page type(s)


segment type

Referral Source

data source




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