Proven Email Sequences

Ecommerce email marketing made easy: 11 free templates

Grab our in-depth email marketing guide to learn how to create foundational email marketing campaigns for your store.

Send emails that really click with your customers

Get proven templates informed by top direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands. Plus, learn how to create, analyze, and improve your email campaigns for welcome sequences, cart abandonment, promotions, and more.

Build brand loyalty

Give your visitors a good reason to know and trust your brand–then to buy your products!

Put your emails on autopilot

Create extra conversion opportunities for your store–without all the extra work.

Optimize for conversions

Improve your email conversion rates with tried and tested tactics from top DTC brands.

See what's inside...

  • 7 email sequences your store needs to succeed
  • 11 optimized email sequence templates
  • Expert tips for wildly successful email campaigns
  • BONUS: How to write compelling email copy

Better emails = more sales. Ready to start?

Grab the guide and start building more successful email campaigns for your store today.

Download the guide

Advanced Multi-store Discounts

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